I hope all of you are enjoying your CNY holidays. I got a week holiday but my children have gone back to school today. A few days ago, we had a picnic at Kenyir Lake. The lake is only about an hour drive from my house in KT. Since I moved here about 3 years ago, I have been to Kenyir Lake several times but that day we had our very first picnic there. Tak ingat dah when was the last time we had a picnic. Actually having a picnic is really an opportunity to catch up on some fun and excitement with the family. Memang best!
Since it's the Chinese New Year holidays, thousands of residents and tourists are flocking the lake to spend their holidays. Ramai sgt orang! At the lake, people would normally go for fishing, have picnics or barbeque while some visitors might go for leisurely cruise or spend time on boathouses. If you want to escape into a world of tranquility and serenity, the lake is definitely an ideal retreat . I love to just sit under those shady trees, relaxing and enjoying the cool breeze from the lake . It's really nice...Sejuk je eventhough it's at 12 noon!.
Kenyir Lake is really huge and it is actually the size of Singapore!. If you like fishing and are nature lovers, it is definitely a place for you to spend your time. The lake is surrounded by lush tropical forest and is also an angler’s haven as it is the home to hundreds of species of freshwater fish.
Those three swans kept on pecking the padlock wanting to be released I guess. Panjang leher dia.. So cute of them... You can see the white and black swans swimming at the nearby pond. Wonder where they come from.
Some of the food I brought from home. When we reached there everyone was so hungry and ate really a lot! It's really nice to have a picnic kat situ. You can enjoy the spectacular view and tend to enjoy the food more ...

Anak2 main Yam leaf . I cepat2 suruh buang takut gatal. They got so excited sebab tak pernah tengok..

Fruits for me yang diet ni...

Wild flowers.
Anak2 main Yam leaf . I cepat2 suruh buang takut gatal. They got so excited sebab tak pernah tengok..
and this is at the entrance of Kenyir Lake Resort
We will come back to spend a night there. Macam best je eventhough the place might look eerie at night...Have a great week everyone!
Bestnye..n wow..lawanya..gambar2 u ambik..tersangat la cantek..i likee..
ReplyDeletebtw tq TK for sharing..menarik sangat..
beautiful view,great shot. Umi seldom go for picnics..but when I do its da bomb :).I make sure I cook there.Bring along my pots and pans and stone mortar for sambal belacan.Grill fish and corns and potatoes..even cook curry hahaha..your food sure look yummy nom nom nom :)..take care dear friend.Good you have had a great family outing.
ReplyDeleteGoing picnic sounds nice beacuse we have cold weather even here in Japan. So nice. I've been to the east of Malaysia called ..blue coral island by water-bort? a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd your lunch box is full of Yummy
thank you for sharing comfortable time.
bestnya terengganu.. banyak tempat menarik kan.. my dad pernah duduk di sana dulu sebab bekerja.. so everytime cuti sekolah i ll go there.. sempat ke tasik kenyir few times.. sangat cantik.. esp bila naik bot dan dibawa ke sauk waterfall if im not mistaken.. tengok ikan dalam sangkar.. masa tu i duduk di kuala ibai... petang2 beli keropok lekor 007.. lepas dinner ambik angin di baru buruk wit my mom n dad..
ReplyDeleteahh.. those memories... hehe..
Tenangnya tengok tasik kenyir......
ReplyDeleteSeronoknya. I tak pernah sampai lagi.
ReplyDeletemy MIL house is in la berang - dekat sgt da tah bila nak sampai heheh
ReplyDeletetoday baru samapai mini zoo ibok- masjid crystal pun tak sampai :) namajaalik tregganu 2, 3 kali setahun heheh
Landscape and Garden Design Inc. is a full service company providing services in the areas of garden designs and construction, plant nursery, maintenance, irrigation, lighting, ornamental pest control, ponds, fountains among others.
Cantik gambar2 kat Tasik Kenyir tu :)
ReplyDeleteI went there 10 years ago. Bila la nak pergi lagi? hehehe
Beautiful photos and I could just eat that bowl of fruit right now. :-)
ReplyDeleteI like the new look you have for the blog too.
Azmiezas- Thank you dear!
ReplyDeleteUmihoney- I can imagine your d bomb picnic! Sure masak sedap2. Actually most people go there to have barbeque. I can see that they enjoyed the food and are having a nice time.
ReplyDeleteMami-I think you went to one of the islands here in Terengganu. It's either Redang Islan or Perhentian Island. I just love to be there. Beautiful islands!
ReplyDeleteLady of leisure- Lady pnah duduk sini ye..Mmg best kat sini because banyak tempat bole pegi. Makanan pun best.BTW, I tak penah pun naik boat kat Tasik Kenyir tu lagi. Would love 2 do it one day.
ReplyDeleteEynda- Mmg tenang je kat situ..a place to relax and unwind
ReplyDeletePink Mama- Plan a trip here.Tempat ni mmg sesuai for photo enthusiasts. Boleh snap here and there..
ReplyDeleteErmayum- dekat sgt dgn your MIL house tu. Biasalah bila balik, there are so many things to do mmg sempat nak cover smua tempat.
ReplyDeleteShariz-Tq..Anytime bole dtg lagi sini..tapi jgn dtg musim tengkujuh tau!
ReplyDeleteSusannah- Thank you so much Susannah!
ReplyDeletecantiknya tempat tu..dan gambar2 tu pon sgt cantik ..cheerful and colourful..suka sgt.