Daiso Store Bukit Bintang Plaza
Daiso is Japan's No 1 ranking livingware suppliers which sell all kinds of daily necessities and convenience goods at one price - that is RM5. The truth is..I myself love to go there too. I think Japanese stuffs are always so cute and unique which you cannot find elsewhere. Everytime I go down to KL, I would surely stop at Daiso Store. Besides in KL, Daiso can also be found in Malacca and Sabah. Actually, satu dunia pun ada Daiso Stores ni.
As I am a Bento (lunch box) enthusiast, I would love to just check on the Bento accessories at Daiso stores.
Bento accesories
A Bento box for my daughter. My daughter likes to make the heart shaped or star-shaped ala-bento sandwiches ...tapi bukan slalu buat camni tau. Membazir!
Besides Daiso Store, here in the East Coast, Japanese recond bicycles are very popular as well. In Kelantan, Japanese bicycles became very popular about 2 years ago while in Terengganu baru je nak mula popular. Just last month, a Japanese bicycle shop was opened near my house.
Japanese bicycles are popular because of their good qualities. They are long lasting and are of various models and designs.
..and I am a proud owner of 3 Japanese bicycles which I bought in Kelantan 2 years ago. Haha..basikal je pun kecoh..
Sarah and her Japanese bicycle. Everywhere she goes, she would bring her teddy bear in the basket.
Well, have a wonderful weekend and a wonderful week ahead.
i pun suka brg2 Jepun..exceli brg Jepun ni bagus n unik kan?..i like the bicycle..
ReplyDeletebentuknya sungguh retro..kalau mak i nampak,..dia mesti tersangat la sukanya..
btw:.. honestly ya,..i tak pernah masuk pun Daiso-store..hehehehe..
A++ for the last photo, your son is it. I think the photo very alive. I like the way you shot the photo, it is moving and the best part is the way your son look at the camera, like he is looking at me. smile for him.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry, your girl is it ? because of the hat she is wearing, I thought the kid is a boy, I am very sorry.forgive me.
ReplyDeleteMy kids really love Japanese items. My youngest daughter is in love with anime and Hello Kitty toys. I myself, find the items to be pretty interesting and fun.
ReplyDeleteKalau pegi the curve memang nampak Daiso tu tapi tak pernah masuk...mesti rambang mata kan tengok barang dlm tu...basikal jepun tu sangat cun...suka design walaupun tak nampak macam moden...sangat klasik....
ReplyDeleteThis is a really interesting post (I love these glimpses into your world) and great photos as usual! :-)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to visit the Bento section :-)
ReplyDeleteSo much fun!!
Nice bicycles you have there TK :) those would be just appropriate to use go biking enjoying the sceneries or go to the nearest shops near your house. Fun yeah? :) You say Daiso store available in Sabah? Dah dua tiga kali I went to KK tapi takde pun jumpa or I must have missed it. Would love v much to enter one, there's none in my hometown unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteAzmiezas- I mmg peminat brg2 Jepun. Cute2 and of nice colours.Yela basikal Jepun mmg nampak classic. Style dolu2 tapi technology terkini. FYI, best sgt bawak basikal Jepun sbb tayar dia besar!
ReplyDeleteRb- berwajah baru nampak!. Thanks - actually I snapped byk gambar tapi pilih gambar tu. Glad u like it.
ReplyDeleteTinitus Natural remedies- A lot of people love Japanese items. Hello Kitty especially is so cute!I collect Hello Kitty items!
ReplyDeleteEynda-Yap- slalu gak pegi yg kat Curve tu. Besar skit kedai dia.Trylah masuk. U mesti suka brg2 dapur kat situ.
ReplyDeleteDragonfly- Yes, it's my favourite section. The Bento accesories are so cute!
ReplyDeletePn Isah- Ive checked for you- In Sabah it's at
ReplyDeleteNo S-101a, 2nd Flr,1 Borneo Hypermall, Kota Kinabalu. Mmg best naik basikal tu Mak Isah especially yg ada gear!
uhhh i suka masuk daiso..memang rambang mata and basikal jepun is soooo cute..pernah nampak basikal ni tp tk tau pun ini basikal jepun hihi
ReplyDeletebento tu lunch set ka last week boss bagi makan bento set tak tau masa tu bento stand for lunch box- they all tapau to office bluewave shah alam deliver coz we all ada mtg ngan japenese - i ask benda ni they all dtg kutip balik ke cute ja ingat nak amek la kalu diaorng tak datg kutip balik heheh
ReplyDeleteI have seen Daiso store but never actually peek in ...I'd definitely do after reading ur post nih...so cute lar... ; )
ReplyDeleteErmayum- Oh jepun dtg sediakan bento. Knape tak bg nasi briyani je. Japanese punya perangai semua dia belasah je. Dia mkn je makanan kita.Ye lah bekas bento tu mmg cantik2. Kalau kat jepun lagi macam2 pilihan ada.
ReplyDeleteNishalim- Shud go there. Byk brg2 dapur yg u mesti suka. Brg2 utk buat kek pun ada. Kat Curve , IOI Mall and kat BB plaza ada Daiso..
ReplyDeletehi...first visit :-)
ReplyDeletei suke masuk daiso...selalu kat taipan. kat the curve pon ada rasanya..suke brg2 comel jepun. nana ade beli bekas kicap bentuk hyppo...he3 tomei. ade je mende yang menarik tertarik untuk i beli.
bicycle tu i ade nampak kawan i beli...glemer ek patut la kawan i tu update dlm fb :)
Nana- Hi Nana! Thanks for stopping by. Yela...barang2 jepun mmg comel2. Sekali sekali pegi byk rasanya yg nak dicampakkan dlm bakul tu.
ReplyDeletezarin-Basikal Jepun tu popular kat kelatan lama jugak dahlah. Masa mula2 ngetop dulu ramai sgt org pakai kat sana.
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ReplyDeleteThankss a lot dear TK, for finding out for me, you r a sweetie, muahss...
ReplyDeleteHi TK,
ReplyDeleteSalam to you.Umi pun suka gi Japanese store...so kawaai..:)..sweet and cute and artistic for RM5.Have a good week ya.Sayonara hehe
Puan Isah - My pleasure. u r welcome! Nanti pegilah..ok
ReplyDeleteUmi- Hi Umi..Yap so KAWAI!! Thanks. Have a wonderful week to you too!
ReplyDeleteWe have a Japantown in San Francisco. There you will find everything Japanese...bookstores, restaurants, toys, flowers, furnitures, and etc. Japanese items tend to be pricier but I think it's because the quality is there. I read food labels and I notice that they rarely use artificial colors or flavorings for some of their food items.
ReplyDeleteRosebell- A Japantown is interesting! You are right Japanese items tend to be pricer. The Japanese are very advanced in almost everything. That's why their items are always unique and advanced in technology especialy.
ReplyDeletePuan Isah- My pleasure...U r welcome Mak Isah!
ReplyDeletewe used to be regular customer of Daiso time kat jepan dulu ..klu kat jepun harga 100yen, murah, tapi bahayanya, slalu terover shopping sbb rasa sumer comei n murah, and finally end up buying things we dont need..heheh
ReplyDeletemenarik ye kedai Daiso ni tapi I tak pernah masuk pun....kalau I bawak anak2 I, confirm over budget sebab brg2 kat situ cute2...my son tgk blog u jugak and he said..."hey, mickey"...kat mana dia nampak mickey tu? hahaha....anyways, one day I will go to the store :)
ReplyDeleteSorry ye Amelia, due to some technical problems- your comment couldnt be published tapi I dah copy paste.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Khalik has left a new comment on your post "Made In Japan":
I loveeee Daiso!!! hehehe. Yeah u r right even though it's RM5 only tapi bila syok ambik mcm2 last2 beratus gak kan..hehehe..:)
Posted by Amelia Khalik to Postcards From Malaysia at April 10, 2010 8:52 PM
Amelia -You are so right, bila beli banyak2, tak sedar penuh bakul and jadi beratus!
Me- Timakasih singgah sini...Pnah duduk kat Jepun ye. Mmg barang Jepun cute2 kan. Over shopping tu normallah..especially kalau kita org pompuan g shopping..hehe
ReplyDeleteShariz- Hi Shariz..pegilah jalan ke Daiso. Plg dekat rumah Shariz kat Curve and Jusco Aeon Kelanglah kan..
ReplyDeleteSorry also to Hanna-due to some technical problems your comment can't be published. Kat bawah ni I copied and paste from email
ReplyDeletehana @ cat has left a new comment on your post "Made In Japan":
one of my fav shops: Daiso! Especially when looking for stationary and cute little porcelain cats to put on the table (near the computer) :p
Once a month boleh le, lihat2 apa yang baru.
Posted by hana @ cat to Postcards From Malaysia at April 10, 2010 8:38 PM
Hana - Oh Daiso your favourite too? u r right sebulan sekali oklah.. tengok2 apa yg barukan?.
Daiso memang best...duk dlm tu 5 jam pon ok kot. hahahahahah....