I was tagged by Zarin and Azmiezas and here there are.....
Ini tag from Azmiezas . Basically it's about our driving experience...
Adakah anda mempunyai lesen memandu? (Do you have a driving licence?)
Yes, I do.
Bilakah anda mengambil lesen memandu? (When did you get your driving licence?)
in 1989 -while waiting for my SPM result
Berapa lamakah pengalaman memandu anda? ( years of experience in driving?)
I only started driving a few years after I got my licence . Mula2 dapat lesen penakut bawak kereta you... Tumpang kereta kawan je... So I have only about 17 years of driving experience..
Pengalaman pahit ketika memandu?( any bad experience?? )
Takde yg pahit sangat dan mintak dijauhkan. No major accident or whatsoever. Just lots and lots of minor accidents. Kereta saya penah kene sondol dari belakang twice. Once by a policeman but it was his fault! Other than that, I byk langgar tiang..mcm2 jenis tiang I langgar - tiang lampu, tiang letrik, tiang kat parking lot sekolah, tiang pagar rumah, pasu bunga kat sekolah…eeee banyaknya. Since last year, takde dah. I am more careful. Terngiang2 kat telinga, hubby warning me ...tak pasal2 kene bebel nanti.
Pengalaman manis? ( Any good/memorable experience??)
To be able to reach my destination at an unfamiliar place dengan jayanya without my hubby's help or GPS. It happened a few times only because I depend so much on my hubby nak kemana2
Adakah anda mempunyai lesen memandu? (Do you have a driving licence?)
Yes, I do.
Bilakah anda mengambil lesen memandu? (When did you get your driving licence?)
in 1989 -while waiting for my SPM result
Berapa lamakah pengalaman memandu anda? ( years of experience in driving?)
I only started driving a few years after I got my licence . Mula2 dapat lesen penakut bawak kereta you... Tumpang kereta kawan je... So I have only about 17 years of driving experience..
Pengalaman pahit ketika memandu?( any bad experience?? )
Takde yg pahit sangat dan mintak dijauhkan. No major accident or whatsoever. Just lots and lots of minor accidents. Kereta saya penah kene sondol dari belakang twice. Once by a policeman but it was his fault! Other than that, I byk langgar tiang..mcm2 jenis tiang I langgar - tiang lampu, tiang letrik, tiang kat parking lot sekolah, tiang pagar rumah, pasu bunga kat sekolah…eeee banyaknya. Since last year, takde dah. I am more careful. Terngiang2 kat telinga, hubby warning me ...tak pasal2 kene bebel nanti.
Pengalaman manis? ( Any good/memorable experience??)
To be able to reach my destination at an unfamiliar place dengan jayanya without my hubby's help or GPS. It happened a few times only because I depend so much on my hubby nak kemana2
3 tabiat ketika memandu? (3 habits while driving )
-Suka berkhayal and think about what am I going to do the whole day..
-Everyday I would watch 7 o’clock news while driving to work . Bukan tengok sungguh2 tau, bahaya. Tengok gitu2 je..but that's the only time that I am able to watch news on TV.
-tabiat saya tak berapa suka dengar radio sometimes... suka senyap je...
3 pantang time i memandu bila? (3 things you dislike )
-following a very slow car at the fast lane!
-following a very slow car at the fast lane!
-when the phone rang and korek2 cari handphone dalam handbag but couldn't find it. Bahaya mencari2 while driving tau..tapi nak jugak jawab handphone tu...
-when people do not give signals when they are supposed to!
-when people do not give signals when they are supposed to!
Now I am gonna tag other blogger friends, wokay. They are...
Pn Isah
Pn KartiniRad
Maya Amir
Those who had already done it..abaikan je la ye..
SIAPAKAH ANDA DIRUMAH? who are you at home?
I am a mother, a wife, a cook, a teacher and a driver.
SIAPAKAH DIRI ANDA DISAMPING RAKAN? who are you to your friend?
Someone who talks a lot....
SIAPAKAH ANDA DIRUMAH? who are you at home?
I am a mother, a wife, a cook, a teacher and a driver.
SIAPAKAH DIRI ANDA DISAMPING RAKAN? who are you to your friend?
Someone who talks a lot....
I am always proud of my best friends and would support them in whatever they are doing or pursuing.
BENDA YANG ANDA IDAMKAN TAPI MASIH BELUM TERCAPAI? Things that you want to achieve in life??
Yang paling nak..I nak gi Mekah, and perform Haj. Yang lain2 tak berapa fikir, tak tercapai pun takpe... Apa yg dah diberi, alhamdulillah.
SIAPAKAH NAMA PASANGAN ANDA? Name of your partner?
Mohd Noor Hatta
5 PERKARA YANG PALING ANDA SUKA TENTANG PASANGAN ANDA? 5 things you like about your partner
Responsible, caring, organized, his brilliant ideas, maturity
BILA TARIKH COUPLE . When did you start dating?
Takde yang pahit...
LAGU TEMA CINTA ANDA . Your theme song?
I am sorry we don’t have any theme song to share. Tak romanticnya.. Semua lagu sedap2 kitaorang layan..
Yang paling nak..I nak gi Mekah, and perform Haj. Yang lain2 tak berapa fikir, tak tercapai pun takpe... Apa yg dah diberi, alhamdulillah.
SIAPAKAH NAMA PASANGAN ANDA? Name of your partner?
Mohd Noor Hatta
5 PERKARA YANG PALING ANDA SUKA TENTANG PASANGAN ANDA? 5 things you like about your partner
Responsible, caring, organized, his brilliant ideas, maturity
BILA TARIKH COUPLE . When did you start dating?
Takde yang pahit...
LAGU TEMA CINTA ANDA . Your theme song?
I am sorry we don’t have any theme song to share. Tak romanticnya.. Semua lagu sedap2 kitaorang layan..
I think most of us have done this tag but if you are interested to do it..go ahead.
Many of us are very dependent on GPS that we seem completely lost without this technical system. I know I would be lost without one since I'm not a good map reader. Following a slow car in a fast lane is an annoyance for me too.
ReplyDeleteif u "pantang" tengok tiang, saya pulak pantang ada lubang, tak pandai2 nak "adjust" tayar from menjengok ke dalam lubang2,mujo lah tak dalam..hehe..
ok nt i jawab tag :)
ReplyDeletetakde yang pahit? so sweet both of you..
ooh...kena tag...
ReplyDeletethanx dear TK sbb selalu igt Hanie...award n tag dulu poun x wat2 lagi...soon ok...
waaah..da lame nye ade lesen kereta yer..Hanie P baru setahun ..haha...akk dah de lesen when i was 5 ! :)
suka sangat tengok pic bunga kat header blog ni.. cantik sangat, bunga keembong ke? kalau keembong lady suka sangat pokok tu sebab dulu pernah tanam memang mudah dijaga n subur...bunganya pun cantik macam2 color ada kan...
ReplyDeleteahh.. :) kenapa cat kena tag ye? :p
ReplyDeleteCat tak de lesen lagi le TK.. tak lepas ujian parking :) tapi cat jawab le juga ye.. hehehe
aramak.. ade nama i laa situ..baik cikgu, akan ku usahakan membuat ini tag:)
ReplyDeleteHello TK, very interesting. Glad to see you have a lively sense of humour.
ReplyDeleteYou have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
Salam dear..:)
ReplyDeleteOpss!!!lawatan pepagi tu...ternampak lakkk namaku ditag....heeehehe...er..er..betul kan akak kann..aduhaii..:):)
ok dear..InsyaAllah..try utk jwb yaa.
pe2 tq dear!:)
tk dear u tgk tv masa driving??? bukan tv tu utk anak2 yg duk belakang ke heheh - u can just listen dear :)
ReplyDeleteWOW!I like ur new layout!^^
ReplyDeletevery nice header also. 17 years of driving experiences is a long time no wonder you have those tips and Oh, how lovely you to ur hubby! Such a sweet post!^^
Aha !! dah jawab. time kasih sudi tag kite. Lagu thema cinta he he.. rahsia ek. Okey tu rahsia..privacy.
ReplyDeleteOh ya, kite jawab kat persadakal.blogspot.under award-tagged.Sekali lagi, Terima kasih TK
Hi TK :) mak isah kenak tag yer...he he he...
ReplyDeleteok, ok, mak isah akan sedaya upaya nak jawab kan yer...
Terima kasih!
Rosebelle- I love having the GPS around eventhough I dont really listen to her especially when she asks me to slow down :)
ReplyDeleteCheqna- Ye lah, lubang pun satu masalah. I ni lubang insyaallah pandai gak mengadjust tapi kalau yg dah last minute baru perasan-mintak mahaplah gua masuk je..hehe. Thank you jengok2 and intai2 sini..:)
ReplyDeletefatenton- ye la yang..walaupun takde pahit kelat2 sikit tu pasti ada tapi I jenis take it easy man. Hidup mesti mau happy!
ReplyDeleteLady Of Leisure- I have no idea pokok apa tu but bukan keembong. Ada my tganu friend beritau namanya but i lupa.... Me too suka keembong! Masa I kecik2 dulu keembong is so popular.Nowadays cam dah pupus je pokok tu.
ReplyDeleteCat- sorry..i tagged u. I tot u dah lulus ma..Don worry bole cuba lagi!
ReplyDeletemaya amir- Thank you sudi nak buat tag ni :)
ReplyDeleteUncle Lee-Thank you for stopping by. U too keep a song in your heart. God bless you!
ReplyDeletePn. Kartini-timakasih singgah and sudi nak buat tag ni..:)
ReplyDeleteUmmiHanie- Hi Ummihannie- kumpul tag banyak2 apa salahnya..timakasih kalau sudi nak buat :)
ReplyDeleteErmayum- TV kat depan mata I so cant help but tgok.Kebetulan I kluar rumah at 7 so jadi tebiat dah.. Like Ive said bukan tgok betul2 - tgok gitu2 je.
ReplyDeleteRad- ala...lagu tema pun nak rahsia..hehe. I lagi teruk- takde lagu tema pun!Anyway thank you jawab tag ni. I senyum sorang2 baca what you wrote.
ReplyDeleteMak Isah- Yup Mak Isah kene..thank you sudi nak buat!!!
ReplyDeleteDita- Thanks for the compliments. U know what.. Really miss Bandung and the food!
ReplyDeletesalam dear TK !
ReplyDeletemiss u lor...hehe
just wanna let u know that finally i dah buat TAG ni...jemput la baca2 yer...
Selamat Berpuasa !