Last weekend, I brought my children to Batu Burok beach, which is the nearest beach to my house. It has been almost a year since I last brought them for kite flying at the beach. Padahal the beach is only about ten minutes drive from my house! My children are always so excited about going to the beach and always begged me to take them for kite flying. Maknya je yang tak excited. Of course I love to be at the beach too but the truth is I am really scared of getting sunburn. The weather is really warm and dry here in Terengganu. Sayang kulit la konon.... That is why I seldom go to the beach. Kalau pegi pun dah petang around 6 o'clock.
As usual...everytime we go to Batu Buruk beach, my children would ask for new kites. I think they already have about a dozen of them. I remember when I was my children’s age I used to make my own kites from newspapers je. Making kites was so much fun back then . However, nowadays you can easily find ready made kites and kite flying is not as popular as it was before.
My son bought the Shark Kite
It’s actually so easy to fly a kite at the beach. Just let the kite go and with the help of the strong ocean breeze, it would soar up high into the sky easily. No wonder kite flying is so popular in the east coast especially at the coastal areas. It’s really exciting watching the colourful kites flutter in the wind !
Looks like a real bird!
My daughter finally got very tired and it was time to go home...
The last pose before we went home..
Kite flying is certainly a fun activity for children and is really a great way to spend time at the beach.
Salam kenalan,
ReplyDeleteLawanye all your pics. I memang suka tengok gambar. I hope you don't mind I letak your blog in my blog list ;D
i pun suka g sini makan goreng2 :)
ReplyDeletei pun mcm erma, suka mkn goreng2 kat sini..tp anak i suka sgt nk main kite tuh..tp i tk layan sbb i yg kena pegang kite tuh..dia mana pandai lagi :)
ReplyDeletewah, mcm best suasana kite flying tu. Beza ye tgk pantai kat Batu Burok compared to masa I pi masa musim tengkujuh hari tu...hahaha....nampak best la dengan suasana yang cerah, byk org dan byknyer colourful kites....I tak pernah main kite ni tapi mmg sgt teringin...bila agaknya kami nak pergi T'ganu lagi? :)
ReplyDeleteNana-Hi! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. No problem - Ive added yours too :)
ReplyDeleteErmayum-ye la ada gerai goreng-gorengan kat situ...I selalu makan goreng2an kat Batu Rakit.
ReplyDeletezarin- ye la budak2 suka sgt tgok kite tu. Takpelah nanti dia dah besar sikit bolela main. Bila dah start main, sure dia taknak balik nanti..
ReplyDeleteShariz- yelah beaches kat sini masa musim musim tengkujuh memang disaster! Takde rupe beach. Air laut pun ganas semacam.Nanti dtg sini lagi pegi pulau la. Baru best. Kat Batu Buruk tak thrill!
ReplyDeleteThere isn't much kite flying at my beach. I live only 5 minutes drive to the beach. Seeing all the kites at your beach inspire me to give it a try someday. I don't like going to the beach because the weather is horrible and cold most of the year. We don't have the typical four seasons in San Francisco. Sometimes I wish I live in the tropical islands where the weather is usually hot.
ReplyDeletecantiknya gambar..
ReplyDeletepakai dslr?
Rose Belle-Yeah..I understand your situation. It's really unbearable when the weather gets too cold and you can't do so much of outdoor activities.. The weather here is just nice. You should try kite flying at the beach. It's so much fun!
ReplyDeleteLady -Thank you dear! Yes I'm using dslr but Im really not good at taking photos. Main snap je - thanx to the camera yg menyelamatkan keadaan.
ReplyDeletesuka pegi tepi pantai! tapi dah tak ade pantai nak wat macam mana ye...tengok gambar aje le...sangat cantik pemandangan di tepi pantai!
ReplyDeletesonata anak kancil- ye la, ocean scenery memang cantik dan boleh tenangkan jiwa...Petang2 duduk tepi laut memang best!