Beautiful Bougainvillea blossoms at Fitrah Flora Nursery
Hi everyone! It's Friday today...weekend is here again (for us in Terengganu) and another week passes by. It has been a very hectic week and the weather is very warm here...Yesterday, I snapped some photos at a nursery, just in front of my daughter's school! Actually, I pass by this nursery almost everyday and sometimes parked my car right in front of it but had never been inside it until yesterday. The colourful Bougainvillea blossoms right in front of the nursery had somehow lured me to walk into the nursery yesterday. I just love anything colourful!
As I walked in, I was so surprised to see the forest like atmosphere inside the nursery. They are surprisingly so many plants! They are so green...Very green! The nursery looks like a tropical garden. Those tropical plants really have unusual sense of scenery !
The look and feel of tropical garden plants create quite a visual feast !
I wish that I could have my own tropical garden but I am not Mrs. Green Fingers and I am so terrible at all things to do with gardening.

At the nursery, I also found my favourite plant, CACTUS and was so happy! My run-in with growing plant lifes are only some cactus plants which still survive today despite being neglected by me. Cactus is the only houseplant that I can grow cause it requires little care and handling...sesuai dengan orang yang tak berapa rajin like me !
owh i lurve going to nursery..makes me want to buy all the flowers...hahaha..angan2 mat jenin je sebab i know i malas nak jaga pokok bunga kat rumah i tu...suka cuci mata kat nursery je :)
ReplyDeleteI am in the topical mood and it make me warm.
ReplyDeleteit is chilly outside here.
So I've just wrote blog yesterday. why dont you join my giveaway?
Have a nice weekend!
zarin- me too, malas gak tapi suka tengok kan..maybe one day kot I would have my own garden bila dah pencen kot, when I have nothing to do..
ReplyDeleteMami- Hi mami! I have read your latest post. Would go again today to leave my comment and to join your giveaway. I can imagine how cold it is over there in Japan. Come to Malaysia again's warm here all year around.
ReplyDeleteTK...u snap gambar kat nursery ok ek?? Eynda selalu ada hati nak snap gambar kat nursery tapi dok nampak warning No Camera tu buat eynda takut hehe...teringin nak macam orang lain...pegi mana pun bawak dslr/camera snap2 gambar... :-)
ReplyDeleteKat sini takpe but we have 2 ask for permissionlah..dorang siap tunggu i sebab masa tu nak tutup kedai. Kat nursery memang best ambik gambar. I was in a hurry masa tu so ambik gambar cepat2 tak sempat nak menikmati semua dan tak focus sgt. Main tangkap je.. Masa nak balik dorang tanya nak ambik gambar utk ape? I pun cakap utk blog and they asked for my blog address.
ReplyDeletesuka tengok pokok bunga kertas tu, mcm2 kaler ada..
ReplyDeletesejuk je mata memandang bila masuk tadi..
Azmiezas- yap, dorang buat style bonsai and mix colour camtu cantik pulak i tengok.
ReplyDeleteAss-Salam sis TK
ReplyDeleteGood pictures...nicely done.
i have always be astonished by nature.
i bet...just being in there...makes you dont wanna leave the place huh?
Have anice week ends dear.
cantiknya...saya suka nature macam ni...
ReplyDeletehazeleyed lady- Thanks sis 4 dropping by!perempuan it's our nature suka bunga2an... kalau duduk dalam nursery mmg seronok sgt kerana asyik menengok2 pokok2 yg byk tu..
ReplyDeletesonata anak kecil- me nature so much!
ReplyDeleteI love bougainvillea. I always see a lot of it when I'm on my hols in Greece or Spaing but unfortunately it wont grow outside in England as our winters are too cold. For now I will make do with your lovely pictures.
beautiful..good luck with your too have a wonderful weekend
ReplyDeletebeautiful yg gamba first tu - spreading happiness everywhere :)
ReplyDeleteI wish my backyard looks like that! I love plants and flowers and have been trying to revamp my backyard. I'm no where near beautifying my yard. Lots of hard work! Sometimes I'd go to nurseries to get ideas for my yard but my plants never grow right :(
ReplyDeleteSusie- I love Bougainvillea too!It is so easy to grow Bougainvillae and can be found everywhere here in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteErmayum- Pokok Bunga Kertas tu lah yg membuatkan I nak masuk nursery tu.
ReplyDeleteRose Belle- You are right..It needs a lot of hard work. Me too..Everytime I go to a nursery I would be fulled of ideas and imaginations but nothing much is done after that..
ReplyDeletewah wah wah...nice shot. umah CB takdak satu pong pokok berbunga. semuanya pokok hijauan. tak leh nak commit masa dgn pokok berbunga ni. nanti wat naya pokok tu jer.
ReplyDeleteLove them blooms nice pitures you got here! thanks for visiting my humble blog. :)
ReplyDeleteAzAzura-thank you for visiting me back. I appreciate it so much. Looking forward to your next posting.