I would like to express my heartful thanks to a wonderful blogger friend Ummihoney for the Beautiful Blogger Award she passed to me. I am so honoured and appreciate it so much,Ummi.
Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award
4. State 7 things about yourself.
Well, here are 7 things about myself :
2) I love children and cubit pipi budak..can't help it
3) I love food and love to eat..and keep on gaining weight..
4) I am easily hurt but recovers easily...
5) I like simplicity and everything in moderation...
6) I love to make friends and always treasure friendships
7)My favourite colors are white, black,brown , purple and orange
Now I'm passing this award to other bloggers with the most wonderful blogs ...
Lady Of Leisure
Eynda's Diary
Che Puan Idot

Here is my favourite flower for Ummihoney and for all my wonderful blogger friends wherever you are around the world!I wish hereby to tell you how deeply I appreciated
your friendship and care. Your comments were a truly blessing.
your friendship and care. Your comments were a truly blessing.
What beautiful flowers! Your blog is always such a joy to visit.
ReplyDeleteI liked reading your 7 things - I defintely agree with you on number 3! :-)
Honestly, kita suka jenjalan blog ni, coz..picas kat dlm blog ni..tersangat la canteknya..suka sangat..n..tetiba jer..
ReplyDeleteTernampak Award kat atas n nama kita pun ada..so tak tau nak cakap apa..just thanks ya!!..(nanti kita ambik,..ok !!..)
TQ...TQ....sebab ingat kat eynda...eynda ambik award tu ye :-)
ReplyDeleteBlog ni memang best. You deserved it!
ReplyDeleteowh thank you thank you..i'm speechless at the moment kihkih..mentang2 lah tengah tengok academy award..tgh berangan menang award jugak hahaha..anyway thanks a bunch! i amik ye!
ReplyDeletewht a luvly award ! n u deserved it...
psstt...is that my name in ur very first list ?
(confirm dulu tkut tersilap)
Ummi Hanie- yes it's you dear!
ReplyDeleteconfirmed .
ReplyDeleteTHANX dear TK !
i list this in my to-do-list first ya ;)
Thank you so much!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteI suffer from chocolate addiction too!!
Cheers, Karen
ReplyDeleteTK dear,
ReplyDeleteYou deserve the award..gratz.Thank you for the flowers..lovely.And most of all thank you for having me as your friend.I cherish that.
Susannah-Tq so much Susannah. I just love flowers. Nice knowing you!
ReplyDeleteAzmiezas-TQ dear Azmiezas . U deserved the award.
ReplyDeleteEynda-thank you so much Eynda for dropping by. I know you have so many blogs to visit everyday. That makes u a very special blogger friend.
ReplyDeletezarin- thanx for accepting the award. U deserved it dear.
ReplyDeleteUmmi Hanie- You are welcome..Nice knowing you!
ReplyDeleteKaren - now we have something in common! Nice Knowing you, Karen.
ReplyDeleteMizara- Thank You Mizara. U really have a wonderful and beautiful blog.
ReplyDeleteUmihoney- You are such a wonderful blogger friend. Thanx 2 u too for having me as a friend!
ReplyDeleteAwww..so so very sweet of you to extend this to the rest of the bloggers! I'm very grateful for this recognition from you :)
ReplyDeleteYeah for chocolate! I'm a choco-lover too!
Hai TK :p
ReplyDeleteReally love your blog especially the photos:) and good to know that you are also chocoholic.. :D Tapi if the chocs are so exquisite, cat prefers to keep it for a long time before eating it :)
Have a happy working week TK :)
tq so much for the award.. appreciate it... agree with others... your blog is awesome... esp the pics... really love it... :)
ReplyDeleteHi Cat. Thanks for dropping by. It's nice to hear from you again. Now, I know that we have something in common :)
ReplyDeleteLady Of Leisure-U r welcome dear. Thank you so much for the compliment. Your blog is awesome too!
ReplyDeleteTo my dear TK..:):)
ReplyDeleteMemang terkejut juga bila diberitahu ada awardnya..Samalah dgn chepuan Idot..award pertama juga ...Thankss...terharu akak tersenarai juga..:):)Nanti akak ambil ekk...Thanks!
Che Puan Idot- You are welcome. Just copy the award and extend the award to your other blogger friends. x kira berapa orang sorang, 2 orang seratus org. This is time 4 u to beri recognition to your beautiful and wonderful blogger frens, ok!
ReplyDeletePn Kartini- You are welcome kak. U deserve the award! You have such beautiful blog!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is beautiful. You deserve it. Thanks for sharing the award with blogger friends like me. I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteVie- Thank You Vie. My first reward was from you and I will always remember you for that.