It's the school holiday again! I am sure all of you have planned the holiday activities for your children. Some maybe balik kampung ke, jalan2 ke Terengganu ke or go for a holiday abroad ke. Have a wonderful time with your family , OK...
As for me, I wish to have island holidays sebenarnya (berangan) but I would have to wait until the next holiday. Best sgt mandi kat pulau and it's safer! By the way, this week, I have two weddings to attend and my best friend is coming to Terengganu to spend her holidays here. So, I'll be happy to be the tourist guidelah..
As we are in the holiday mood, I have some awesome photos of some of the beautiful islands in Terengganu. They were captured by a friend who is a professional photographer sebab tulah gambar dia lawa sangat ,ok. When I see those photos, I felt like packing my bag and escape to one of the islands sekarang jugak.
Well, these photos are postcards from me in Terengganu to all of you wherever you are.

For everyone travelling, take care and have a safe journey...
Thank you for stopping by..I am so grateful
salam tk. i'm heading to terengganu soon. lovely photos of d beaches..ooohhh cant wait for d trip tomorrow!! hehehe..
ReplyDeleteAmelia Khalik- I dah agak dah, mesti ada yg nak dtg terengganu cuti ni. Have a wonderful time in Terengganu, dear. Jangan lupa beli keropok lekor..hehe
ReplyDeleteuhuuuuu bila la nak bercuti cuti malaysia nih..aduhhh..btw semua gamba2 tuh mmg la menggugat perasaan nih..
ReplyDeleteHi...me also going to Terengganu end of this month...for a short break...hope to finally meet u ....love these shots! good job!
ReplyDeletesalam TK - i tak kemana:)- i holiday bulan 12 ja heheh - cikgu cuti buat apa ek? have a great one k:)
ReplyDeletemizara- Jomlah datang Terengganu!
ReplyDeleteNishalim- Nanti dtg inform me, OK! Btw, jangan lupa kek for me..hehehe
ReplyDeleteErmayum- actually cikgu bukannya cuti sgt. Ada xtra class n ade2lah keje2 lain where u hv to come to school .
ReplyDeletesalam dear..:)
ReplyDeleteiish3x...Camnee blh lum sampai2 lagi tempat tu ekkk...aduhaiii...
i've been to trengganu many times..yes ...terengganu is quite beautiful with it's beach sceneries :)
ReplyDeletecanteknya, kat pulau mana tu..(i tau t'ganu byk pulau yg cantek, tapi pulau yg mana satu ya!!)..tersangat lah canteknya..tak sabar rasanya nak pegi sana,tapi masa blum mengizinkan..
ReplyDeletecantiknya... i always teringin nak explore pulau di sana terengganu tapi masih belum ada rezeki nak ke sana... dari kecik lagi dok teringin nak pi.. sebab selalu teruja tengok dalam tv yang pulau2 ni punya air yang sangat jernih mcm air paip tu kan... bestnya...
ReplyDeleteHappy holidays my friend.Thank you for the lovely pix..not too well lately..weather been too hot I suppose.Have fun dear.
ReplyDeletePn Kartini- Kat sini, orang Terengganu sendiri memang ramai tak pernah ke pulau2 tuh. Dorang duduk tganu seumur hidup pun x pnah sampai pulau. Saya suka explore tempat2 sbb tu suka pegi and kadang2 bawak students.
ReplyDeleteUmmi Hanie- Yelah..Tganu mmg byk beach sceneries tapi beaches kat pulau2 tu are the best.
ReplyDeleteAzmiezas-Top 4 islands are Perhentian, Redang Lang Tengah n Kapas. Semua pulau2 ni cantik. Redang famous for marine lifenya. Perhentian famous among mat salleh. Dorang suka lepak kat ada satu pantai kat sana-Long Beach.
ReplyDeleteLady Of Leisure- Memang cantik kat sana because of lautnya yang cetek dan landai dgn air yg jernih tu. Nak mandi pun x takut. Ombak tak kuat. Memang kalau dah pegi nak pegi lagi. Tu agaknya yg org kata Panggilan Pulau..
ReplyDeleteUmmi Honey- I am sorry u r down with flu. Ye lah, it's been so hot. I have soar throat now.Take care!
ReplyDeletecantiknya gambar2 tu...teruja nak ke sana..tapi sedang berehat...kena pulun habis2an tu anakanda nak UPSR...
ReplyDeletesonata anak kecil- berehatlah ye kak. Semoga sembuh sepenuhnya secepat mungkin.
ReplyDeleteDear TK :)
ReplyDeleteHm.. :) I prefer the photos of Batu Burok Beach . The top photos are too sunny :p hehehe..Hmm cat is really a cloudy and rainy kind of person :)
The 7 days count? :) well.. that's going to be my bday..and panjang nak explain.. mungkin TK akan lebih faham :) http://jejak2.wordpress.com/2010/03/04/jejaki-mimpi
Cat-Ok..actually I am a cloudy and rainy kind of person. Believe it or not I love the monsoon season here in Terengganu where the rain doesn't seem to stop. It's the best time of the year for me! I'll check out the link!
ReplyDeleteHye TK..
ReplyDeleteDapat blog u dari lady of leisure..
oh TK org ganu ye..
Tgganu is so beautiful kan.. dah lama teruja nak pergi perhentian..one of the beautiful island in the world..
btw, saya dah booked nak ke sana awal April ni.. tak sabarnye.. :)
Happy holidays :-)
ReplyDeleteThe photos are so beautiful.
I think I need a holiday ;-) Would love to go to one of these beaches!
Enjoy the visit from your friend! Sometimes a holiday at home is just as good!!
fatenton- hello dear! Thanks for stopping by. Mmm..I am not from Tganu actually. Menumpang negeri org je ni. BTW, Tganu mmg cantik. I think one day when I am not here anymore, I woud miss the beautiful beaches and the blue seas..
ReplyDeleteDragonfly-Those islands are really beautiful and would make ideal places for vacations especially if you love the sun, the seas and the beaches!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a beautiful country you live in! When is the best time to visit. We'd love to come some day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog!!
Betsy-Thank you betsy. The best time to come here is between March to August. You are welcome to visit our beautiful country and you won't be dissapointed!
ReplyDeleteSalam, fascinating trengganu. beautiful beach with white sand and palm tree facing open sea. You have shoot very beautiful view for us to keep a dream to visit trengganu.
ReplyDeleteRad- Thank You Rad.Those are tropical paradise!