I love gardening but never really have time for it. Photos of flowers and beautiful gardens (especially English gardens) at some of my favourite blogs have always inspired me to start gardening. I dream of having a garden but it's quite impossible to have one at the moment because we never stay at a place for a long time - selalu pindah-randah cam Nomad. Nevertheless, I do have some flowering plants/house plants at my frontyard...beberapa pokok je tapi..
A few days ago, while I was visiting MADELIEF ( my favourite blog), I came across a set of photos of lush and beautiful hanging baskets. I love those hanging baskets flowers so much !
The art of hanging basket at MADELIEF. There are many more awesome photos at MADELIEF.. I like the idea of planting different types of flowering plants in one pot..

Some other flowering plants at Pasar Tani . Suka sgt tgok bunga2an ni..

I bought this striped Petunia (I think it's a Petunia-correct me if I'm wrong) infront of SACC mall Shah Alam(at the main entrance) about a month ago-Pegi situ nak beli baju anak sebenarnya tapi pokok bunga pun I bawak balik. So, it came all the way from Shah Alam tu!
Bought some fertilizer and pesticides to make sure that those plants will continue to survive.. but I don't really trust myself..hehe. I am just not Mrs. Greenfinger...
Hahaha...TK, now you switched your menu to flowers...!!
ReplyDeleteBaguslah ...for a little enlightenment!
but I feel strange to see no more food here...
selamat berkebun deh buat cikgu TK sayang...
semoga puasanya lancar terus!!
:) I thought that you meant plastic flowers yang gantung kat dinding rumah tu .:p hehehe
ReplyDeleteBila nak datang sini? :)
salam dear:)
ReplyDeleteAkak rasakan ...tangan akak ni jenis 'panas'...tanam pokok pun cepat mati..heheheheh:):)
Oh...I love looking at nice gardens. Wish to have a beautiful garden, managed by gardener, not me! hahaha. I pun takleh la TK. one month ago, my friend bagi tiga pokok bunga yg dah siap berbunga cantik...cuma perlu mantain jer. Tu pun mati semua...sedih betul. My hubby said I gave too much water! how on earth do we know it's too much?? haha...
ReplyDeleteTK Sensei,
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately Mama only plant herbs and vege, no flowers. So, we only get to admire our neighbours' blooms.... purrr....meow!
i lovvveee bunga gantung...boleh juling juling bijik mata bila nampak any house yang ada bunga gantung yang cantik and byk kaler tp kat rumah sendiri tarak pun sebab dah tau diri ni malas nak emnjaga hikhik
ReplyDeleteTK, Cantik Petunia tu! Mak isah hope it will blossom more and more!
ReplyDeleteI love the thots of flowers and gardening...but so far the love is in my mind je...tak pandai jaga..kaktus pun boleh mati..hehe..
Good idea! I am sure your flowers will do really well. :-)
ReplyDelete(Yes, they are petunias :-))
cantiknya bunga gantung ni.. nampak subur.. i bought lavender seeds baru ni, and dua tiga hari lepas dah tabur tapi nampak gayanya tak menjadi sebab tak de apa yang tumbuh pun...
ReplyDeleteNensa- Terimakasih Nensa..haerap2 puasanya lancar..ibadahnya juga lancar.
ReplyDeleteHana- Hi HAna..sukanya nampak u here..
ReplyDeleteI have no reason to go to Malacca.
Kalau nak pegi pun ssb nak jumpa you je!!!
Nak suruh you belanja..
Sis Tini- same here kak. I mati sbb tak jaga. Slalu lupa nak siram..
ReplyDeleteNana- yela..the best thing is to have a gardener who maintains it..buat aper nak susah susah..hhehe. Same herelah..with very little knowledge bout gardening, pokok2 susah nak survive!!
ReplyDeleteCAtInSydney- baguslah if you plant herbs and vege. Berbudi pd tanah and dapat hasilnya. Tanam pokok bunga tak boleh nak makan bunganya!
ReplyDeleteZarin- ada jugak org suka bunga gantung cam I..tu la psl, nak bagi dia hidup tu, haru..
ReplyDeleteHi Lady, love your choice of the plants and flowers. They're so vibrant and colourful. Good you love gardening too.
ReplyDeleteOne of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.
And green fingers are the extension of a verdant heart.
Re your love of photography, you take very good pictures, and creative too. It's always the person behind the camera, not the camera that takes beautiful, outstanding pics.
You have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
I suka bunga tapi malas nak jaga...
ReplyDeleteMak Isah- TQ Mak Isah!! I hope it will survive!!
ReplyDeleteCheqna- Most women love flowers. Oh I love cactus. So far they are still alive despite me totally ignoring them..
ReplyDeleteSusannah- I hope they'll do well especially the petunias because it's very hard to find the striped petunias.
ReplyDeleteLadyOfLeisure- Lavender grows at colder region kan..I wonder how to take care of Lavender here in Malaysia
ReplyDeleteUncleLee- Thank you UL. You always gave wonderful comments. You are a very kind hearted person and you always inspire people. You take care and keep blogging!
ReplyDeleteIla- ali- yap dear..bukan senang nak jaga pokok bungakan??? I faham..
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful, TK. I wished I had the skills for gardening, but I don't :(
ReplyDeleteHow come you need to move around frequently? Is it because of your job? Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm no Miss Green Thumb myself. I'd look over at my neighbor's backyard and they're flourishing. Then I look at mine...what a shame :(
ReplyDeletecantiknye TK..
ReplyDeletei pon suke english garden mcm ni..
tapi nampaknye i kalau nak ada bunga mcm ni, bunga tipu ajelah gamaknye.. confirm tak menjadi klu tanam yang hidup punye..
perempuan dan bunga mmg tak boleh dipisahkan. Tapi kan, selalu jadi mcm ni: kat kedai dia berbunga, bila bawak balik dah taknak berbunga lagi dah, hehe.
ReplyDeletei suka tgk bunga but malas nak jaga :)kalau maid takda pokok i semua kering kuning nak mati hehe
ReplyDeleteBiana- me too. Wish I had the skill but
ReplyDeleteI don't :(
Rosebelle- I saw a photo of roses at your frontyard. Hope that the rose plant still survives :)
ReplyDeletefatenton- alah akak pun gitu la dik..
ReplyDeleteTak reti sgt bab2 berkebun. Angan2 tu tinggi tapi gitulah..bawak balik bunga ke rumah..tak lama lepas tu..MATI pokok2 tu!
Abu Aiman- mmglah..pompuan suka sgt bunga2 ni!
ReplyDeleteKat nursery dorang bubuh baja bunga, jaga elok2 sbb tu byk bunga!
Ermayum- samlah..bila maid takde kering semua bunga!!! Nampak sgt tuan bunga tu rajin!