Here is another post about food! Can't help it... Most of the days during Ramadan, our conversation at work would be about food. Bukan apa...usually our colleagues would be asking for suggestions on what to cook for Iftar(fast breaking) . Nak masak apa ye buka puasa petang ni ?- would be a common question and it resulted in a long conversation about food when everybody started responding. Another favourite topic among us would be about losing weight during Ramadan. We'll be asking each other, berapa kilo dah turun??- how many kilos have you lost..?? as Ramadan can be the occasion to lose weight and shed some pounds.(if you are careful of what you eat)
I also realized that this Ramadan, I tend to visit foodie blogs more often than before (obviously I ni kaki makan). The reasons are - it would give me ideas on what to cook for Iftar ( macamlah rajin sgt memasak) or what to buy at the Ramadhan Bazaar (yang ni tersangatlah rajin).I also love to see the Iftar menus at our friends' blogs in other parts of the country or in other parts of the world.
I would like to share with you some of what our blogger friends had for their Iftar . Yesterday, while I was visiting Nana's blog - Something To Smile About Everyday, I found this yummylicious looking jelly in her Iftar Menu. Nana is a Malaysian who has been living in Japan for four years! Everyday, she would share her Iftar menu from her home in Japan.
It's called Warabi Mochi which you eat with Kinako (sweet toasted soya bean flour).I would really love to try this Warabi Mochi. Geram tengok Jelly tu Nana!
This is Bubur Lambuk Pedas (Hot Herbs Rice Porridge) which I found at Mak Isah's blog- Blind Perfect. Mak Isah is a blogger friend from Sarawak. Seriously I have never heard of this Bubur Lambuk Pedas. Tak penah tengok beb! I wonder how does it tastes like. Below are some of the ingredients used in making Bubur Lambuk Pedas as described by Mak Isah.

Skin of a cow's feet (kulit kaki lembu).

wet black mushroom

turmeric leaves
To find out more more on how to prepare this Bubur Lambuk Pedas which is a favourite in Sarawak and other recipes from Sarawak do visit Mak Isah's blog-Blind Perfect.

And...this is Bubur Lambuk Terengganu which is a favourite here and also a favourite for Iftar... Some of the ingredients for this rice porridge are fish, polyganum (daun kesum), reddish colour fern(pucuk paku merah), turmeric leaf (daun kunyit) and black pepper. I like this Terengganu rice porridge very much. I first tasted it 3 years ago when I moved here to KT. It is absolutely delicious!
P/s Nak makan Bubur Lambuk Cheqna buat..
It seems that there are many versions of Bubur Lambuk (rice porridge) all over Malaysia. How interesting!
Tk, I think all people around this planet were crazy talking about food nowadays in Ramadhan...
ReplyDeleteso fasting will not make us lost our weight... or more slimmer.... right?! so how many you lost or up your weight...??? hahaha...
Love to see those many delicious food!
gimana lancaar puasanya,TK...??!!
i pun teruja gak nak try itu warabi mochi..macam sedap je kan!
ReplyDeletecamana lah rupanya kulit kaki lembu tu ye?
TK Sensei,
ReplyDeleteKita pun nak makan bubur lambuk Cheqna buat! Auwww.... we've been trying not to post any food. Saje far so good. purrrr....meow!
Angelina is baaaaaack.....
Salam dear:)
ReplyDeleteTgk bubur lambuk..teringat MIL..mmg pandai buat bubur lambuk!!uhh....harap2 nanti dpt merasanya!!
i pun tak pernah dgr bubuk lambuk pedas but i tak gemar sgt bubur lambuk apa2 pun :)
ReplyDeletei sangat suka bubur lambuk.. pergi mana pun bulan puasa ni for sure cari bubur lambuk dulu.. i think benda lembut2 mcm bubur lambuk ni bagus for the stomach masa berpuasa ni kan.. takde la perut kene kerja teruk2.. hehe..
ReplyDeleteBubur lambuk is my favorite! Tapi unfortunately, my hubby tak suka bubur lambuk. I beritau dia, I will look for the tastiest bubur lambuk recipe and try make it sedap for him. He said, 'even my mom yg pandai masak tu masak bubur lambuk pun i tak makan...' What else can I do? surrender jer la. Terpaksa balik Malaysia cari bubur lambuk kat gerai...nak masak utk sorang, mau tahan utk 1 bulan puasa...hihihi
ReplyDeleteNensaMoon- Hi Nensa dear! Puasa aku lancar aja.
ReplyDeleteSegalanya beres. Aku makan byk skali..beratku hanya turun sedikit..Yg pasti berat akan naik semula hari raya nanti hehe!
zarin- I was wondering jugak bout kulit kaki lembu tu. Kulit kaki ayam I suka. Kat Kelantan sana sini ada kerabu kaki ayam. I loike I loike I loike!
ReplyDeleteCatInSydney- You know I love food so much. Nak tgok jugak posting you about food! I loike! I loike! I loike! Please..I know your mom is a good cook!
ReplyDeletePn Kartini- Memmang bubur lambuk org tua2 sedap. My friends kat sek kata dorang suka bubur lambuk air tangan mak dorang yg sedap..Kat kedai kan tak berapa sedap. I agree to them..
ReplyDeleteErmayum- I pulak kena yg betul2 sedap..kalau tak I pun tak berapa nak bole telan..Mula2 dulu tak suka jugak..lama2 jadi suka.
ReplyDeleteLadyOfLeisure- Betul tu..makanan lembut2 ni perut senang hadam. Kalau makan daging yg keras2 tu, sian pulak perut. I ada baca Vanida Imran n family hanya makan bubur masa bulan puasa. Jaga badanla tu..
ReplyDeleteNana- Takpe nanti balik Malaysia bole cari. I sendiri pun tak pnah buat. Hubby pun tak makan bubur lambuk. I pun kalau stakat nak makan sikit2 tu tak rajin nak membuatnya..tak berbaloi!
ReplyDeletemcm sedap jek warabi ape ntah btuh..heheh tergeliat lidah nak nyebut tapi i rase mesti sedap:)
ReplyDeleteBabe..I tengok gambar buah tanjong tak bley tahan, week kena buat,my husband dah belikan ingredients get set go aja nie!
ReplyDeletemaya amir- I pun rasa camtu..sedap kot...
ReplyDeletemeenyusuf- dah terliur nak buat camne kan... U pandai buat takpelah..kalau I, sure menggelabah cari resepi..
ReplyDeleteand Cats ~ haha..bubur lambuk yet to find its way to my weekend may be..
and for me I prefer Terengganu's version, esp. with budu..hehe..but yg pedas tu sure looks different, tak pernah lagi dengar..interesting jugak..
and jeli..alamak, teringat the pudding yg tak buat2 lagi..hehe.
TK, Cats memang terer masak..dia punya lagi proper, mine cincai2 je
Cheqna- bubur lambuk berlemak la dear..
ReplyDeleteboleh ke u mkn..hehe
Ala..merendah dirinya you ni..
ReplyDeletewhen it comes to bubur lambuk (n budu)..."lemak pun lemak la labuuuu.."..hehehe..
TK, I agree with you about the bubur lambuk. My favourite is the bubur lambuk Terengganu too! sedap sangat! Walaupun orang belah Pantai Barat mungkin tak berapa suka dengan bubur lambuk yang letak ikan ni!